Climate activists demand Biden declare climate emergency while blockading entrance to Nationals Park

Climate activists protesting outside Nationals Park during the Congressional Baseball Game, told Fox News that President Biden must declare a climate emergency and that Sen. Joe Manchin's reconciliation bill was not aggressive enough.
"Every single species, every single human being, every single living thing on the planet is in danger if we don't act on climate now," one protester named, Leanna, told Fox News. "Congress needs to pass climate legislation, and Biden needs to declare a climate emergency yesterday."
Climate activists gathered outside the baseball stadium an hour before Thursday's game. After chanting and dancing, protesters marched toward Nationals Park and blocked spectators' access to the entrance before three were arrested for unlawful entry.
"We're all in jeopardy of going extinct," another climate activist, Paul, told Fox News. "It's going to be a catastrophe. Billions of people are going to suffer, and Congress and the president have done next to nothing, even with this bill that they just announced."
Manchin announced an agreement on a reconciliation package Wednesday that would spend $369 billion on climate initiatives while raising $739 billion through additional corporate taxes and stricter IRS enforcement. The initiatives would reduce carbon pollution roughly 40% by 2030, according to Manchin and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
However, protesters were not satisfied.
"It's a good start, but we really need more, better legislation to really protect indigenous and BIPOC communities," one protester said.
The climate activists chanted: "Manchin's deal is not enough. No more fossil fuels."
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