Dad throws chicken feed at SC school board for being 'too afraid' to take action on explicit library books

A South Carolina dad confronted one school district's approach to banning sexually explicit books by throwing bags of chicken feed at the board members. David Cook stood before the Beaufort County School District's (BCSD) school board on June 27, with a backpack behind the podium where he made his case. "I've appealed to you all repeatedly, and only a few of you have recognized we do not need to keep sexually explicit books in our schools," he said. NORTH DAKOTA WOMAN WHO GRILLED SCHOOL BOARD FOR DEFYING GENDER IDENTITY LAW LEADS GROUP TO EMPOWER PARENTS After delivering the line, he reached into the backpack, pulled out bags of chicken feed and tossed them at the sitting board members. "There's your chicken feed," he continued. "I give you this gift as a way to demonstrate mine and many others' opinion of your lack of action. Chicken. Too afraid. Matter of fact, your behavior gives chicken a bad name." Though the board members offered no direct responses to Cook, one was seen kicking the bags of feed across the floor, away from his colleagues. SOUTH DAKOTANS FLAME SCHOOL BOARD MEETING OVER ‘PORNOGRAPHIC’ BOOKS: ‘THIS IS THE MARXIST GLOBAL REVOLUTION’ The entire exchange followed Cook's spiel about the detrimental effects of pornography on child wellbeing, a conversation overshadowed by previous calls to pull books like "All Boys Aren't Blue" and "Flamer," both of which have been accused by parents of containing sexually explicit depictions. Both books, which were previously under review in the district, were eventually banned, according to local ABC 6 News, but many more have come under scrutiny. "There's a big difference between a book ban and eliminating access to this material. These books haven't been properly reviewed or they would've never been in our libraries," Cook began his speech to the board. PENTAGON'S SCHOOLS INFESTED WITH SHOCKING PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL FOR MILITARY KIDS: ‘TIME TO SEND A D*CK PIC’ Leaning against the podium, he continued, "A few weeks ago I referred to a study on the impact of pornography on children published by the American College of Pediatricians from June of 2016. Please read it. The scientific study is proof of the negative impact of pornography on children use it to justify recalling any books that you've sent back into our libraries. It is within your power to refer to the study." The books Cook sought to remove remained unclear during the meeting. via Latest & Breaking News on Fox News ""
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